Thursday, April 5, 2018

A People Divided

We are a people divided by religion, by politics, by parenting styles, by family, by extracurricular activities, and other personal beliefs. Why can’t we all just get along? It’s as if everyone has forgotten how to be human. We are not brought to Earth to judge others. We are not the Creator.

Everyone is entitled to their own belief systems. Everyone is entitled to live their life the way they believe is good and just.

When we are divided, we cannot work together. Sometimes I am guilty of partaking in the judgment. It is times like these that I look back and reflect on my own practices and shake my head. Each day I grow as a person. Each experience molds me.

I know for a fact that sometimes it is hard to see other people’s points of view. It is so simple to call others out and say they are wrong. It is hard to come to the realization that there may be alternatives to your way of life.

People, we do not need to fight over whether the Baptist, or Covenant, or Catholic church presides over one another. The most important thing about all of the churches is that we all worship the same God.

We do not need to fight about whether the Republican party or the Democratic party is superior to one another. As long as our people are taken care of, then we will survive.

Abraham Lincoln stated, “A house divided against itself cannot stand.”

Let us remember to consider other people’s religions, personal and political beliefs rather than passing judgment. I have so much love for my family and my community. I cannot imagine living anywhere else, because each person brings something unique to the village. It is what makes Unalakleet WHOLE.

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